is basically 2, that's all you need to know.
This page mainly focuses on the client, not the game itself. If you want to know what is, it's basically a reboot of started in November 2020, got rebooted in October 2022, and got rebooted YET again in March 2024, under a different name. This server won't include as many tanks as, but it certainly will be more fun.
Both and co-exist, but will be receiving more updates. has been discontinued as of February 4, 2025, and it will no longer be updated.
With that out of the way, this client is plain simply a modified version of (ugh) ProKameron's imp-template projects, more specifically the one that lacks a server selector. The client mainly focuses on improving imp-template, by adding settings, performance improvements (mostly done on the game itself), UI changes and a few others.
The UI of the game has been modified to be less cluttered. The FPS counter shown atop the minimap has been heavily simplified. Upgrade boxes have been simplified and their hotkeys shown are now shown at the top right corner to avoid them overlapping the tank names. The death screen has been modified heavily, most notably showing the average score gained per second, and even more importantly, fixing the immense lag that occurs when on the death screen.
The options menu has received an update too, adding multiple new options and themes. The main focus is the visual overhaul to make the options menu seem more organised. Show latency is now a toggle, meaning you no longer have to hold the key for it to show.
In addition, there's also a font picker which is similar to Woomy's font picker. It mostly consists of web-safe fonts, but some additional fonts are included too.
That's pretty much it. Expect many changes to be made, more specifically performance improvements (if it's even possible)...
Note: This page may be outdated in the future once more updates are released.
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